James Monroe Museum Political Cartoons
Our mission is to display in a digital format the complete collection of the one-hundred and fourteen cartoons dating from the 1890s to the 1960s housed at the James Monroe Museum and Memorial Library. We did our best to provide context on the various issues and events portrayed within the cartoon collection. We pledge that the information presented is both honest and inclusive to the best of our knowledge and research.
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Page of the Monroe Doctrine
This is a page of the orignial transcirption of the Monroe Doctrine. ...more
And 1940 is a Leap Year
Leap Years, in which the month of February has an extra day, occur only once every four years. On that extra day, marvelous and extraordinary things can happen.
As it turns out, the 1940… ...more
As it turns out, the 1940… ...more
I Kinda Think 1940 is Going to be a Young Man's Year
In 1940 the Democratic presidential candidate was incumbent Franklin D. Roosevelt. The Republican party was made up of a diverse group of political hopefuls: Hoover, Vandenberg, La Guardia,… ...more
The candidates are melting! We see potential Republican nominees for the 1952 Presidential elections, Thomas Dewey of New York, Robert Taft of Ohio, and Harold Stassen of Minnesota. Watching… ...more
The Cup That Cheers
Straw polls, or a straw vote is an “unofficial ballot conducted as a test of public opinion. Here the Republicans and the Democrats are competing to “drink” the most straw… ...more